Revised Schedule of Works Marine Parade 29.3.16

We have been able to reschedule various elements of the work to minimise any impact on the holiday trade during the second week of the school holidays.

We will now only carry out pre-surfacing works during the week commencing 4 April, and these will be scheduled for completion during the evenings of that week (7pm to approx. 11pm) rather than during normal hours as originally planned. The pre-surfacing works will comprise of granite block re setting in the road in the vicinity of the Hollywood Cinema. During the following day this section will need to be coned off to allow the bedding mortar to cure but there will always be one lane width available for the public (rather than the normal two as it’s a one way system here). There will be no resurfacing/ asphalting works that week.

The resurfacing (Asphalt laying) will follow on the next week (week commencing 11 April) and this will require some road closures.  All works are planned to be complete by Friday 29 April ahead of the May Bank Holiday weekend.

Please be assured that the Highways  Design Team take their duty to minimise inconvenience on local people and traders very seriously.

Revised Programme for Marine Parade – Great Yarmouth

Week commencing Monday 04 April to Friday 8 April – Granite Block Repairs

Works to repair the granite block feature in the carriageway adjacent to the cinema, beach side of the oval. Works will only take place between 7pm and 11pm.

These works will be completed using only half of the carriageway width at a time leaving sufficient room for free flowing traffic past the works.

To protect the repairs,  after 11pm traffic cones will be left on site until works return to site at 7pm the following evening to repair the other side of the carriageway, however this will still leave sufficient room for free flowing traffic past the works.

Week commencing Monday 11 April for approximately 5 days – Carriageway Surfacing and Granite Block Repairs

Carriageway resurfacing works on Marine Parade from adjacent to the Cinema (Beach Side), up to the signalised pedestrian crossing opposite Britannia Pier.  Works will take place between 7am and 7pm, however due to deep excavations these works will require a full 24 hour road closure of the area to be resurfaced only.

The Signed diversion route will be:

Marine Parade

Trafalgar Road

Nelson Road Central

Nelson Road North

Sandown Road

North Drive

Works to repair the granite block feature in the carriageway adjacent to the cinema, town side of the oval will also be done during this week, however these works will be completed using only half of the carriageway width at a time leaving sufficient room for free flowing traffic heading north past the works

Week commencing Monday 18 April for approximately 5 days – Carriageway Surfacing and Granite Block Repairs

Carriageway resurfacing works on Marine Parade from adjacent to the Cinema (Town Side), up to the signalised pedestrian crossing opposite Britannia Pier.  Works will take place between 7am and 7pm, however due to deep excavations these works will require a full 24 hour road closure of the area to be resurfaced only. Princes Road will also be closed at the junction to Marine Parade.

The Signed diversion route will be:

Marine Parade

Trafalgar Road

Nelson Road Central

Nelson Road North

Euston Road

Marine Parade

Works to repair the granite block feature in the carriageway adjacent to the signalised pedestrian crossing opposite Britannia Pier will also be done during this week. These works will be completed using only half of the carriageway width at a time leaving sufficient room for free flowing traffic heading south past the works (due to the road closure for the surfacing works taking place town side of the oval, only south bound traffic will need to pass the works, north bound traffic will follow the signed diversion route due to the surfacing closure).

Week commencing Monday 25 April for approximately 5 days – Carriageway Surfacing

Carriageway resurfacing works on Marine Parade from the signalised pedestrian crossing opposite Britannia Pier to south of junction to Britannia Road. Works will take place between 7am and 7pm, however due to deep excavations these works will require a full 24 hour road closure of the area to be resurfaced only. Britannia Road will also be closed at the junction to Marine Parade

The Signed diversion route will be:

Marine Parade

Trafalgar Road

Nelson Road Central

Nelson Road North

Sandown Road

North Drive

Marine Parade

The intention is to have everything finished ahead of the first May Bank Holiday, which marks the start of the main summer season.

Carrying out the work earlier than this, during the winter months would have been possible but not sensible because in cold weather there is an increased risk that the repairs would fail, leading to more disruption.