Communication Strategy
- A central database will be managed and regularly updated and used to disseminate information to BID levy payers and Members.
- The database will include contact name, business name, business/correspondence address, phone numbers and emails.
- Regular brief e-mail will be used to circulate key messages to levy payers and members.
- Occasionally these will be used to gather opinions and views of key policy issues.
Tourism Business Survey
- An online survey will be conducted every two months in order to gain feedback, opinions and views of key policy issues. from levy payers and members
- The results will be shared with key partners and be used to guide our work.
Summer Visitor Survey
- A Summer visitor survey of the destination will take place in Jul-Sep, with the information being used to guide our activities and shared with partners
- A Hard copy newsletter will be circulated once a year to all levy payers in early October, with a digital newsletter being distributed in Spring.
- The Visit Great Yarmouth/ GYTABIA corporate website is an information resource for levy payers The website details of GYTABIA projects as well as updates on key business issues.
- We will continue to use Twitter to send out positive messages about Visit Great Yarmouth/GYTABIA and its projects.
Local PR
- Press releases will be submitted to the local media promoting the positive work of Visit Great Yarmouth/GYTABIA.
Funding Acknowledgements
- Where financial support is awarded to projects organised by external bodies. clear guidelines will be given to recipients about the use of the Visit Great Yarmouth/GYTABIA logo on publicity material. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in funding being withdrawn or reduced.
Annual Report
- Visit Great Yarmouth/GYTABIA will produce a digital full report to distribute to all levy papers prior to the Annual General Meeting, this will take the form of a digital newletter..