Latest Marine Parade Roadworks News 23.3.16
The information below may be helpful about the proposed works on Marine Parade:
Week commencing Monday 21 March to Thursday 24 March
Some preliminary kerbing work at junction to Britannia Road
No need for traffic control during these works – only traffic cones will be used to direct vehicles around the kerb works.
On Thursday works will be suspended, and then resume on Monday, 4 April.
This means there will be no disruption to traffic during the Easter weekend or the first week of the school holidays.
Week commencing Monday 04 April to Friday 8 April
Works to repair the granite block features in the carriageway.
Works will be completed using only half of the carriageway width at a time.
For works adjacent to the cinema (around the oval), only a lane closure will be required, this will leave sufficient room for free flowing traffic past the works.
When works progress south of the oval, along the straight section of the carriageway, 2 way manual controlled traffic control will be used – to ensure traffic continues to flow in both directions, and with as little disruption as possible.
Week commencing Monday 11 April
Carriageway resurfacing works.
On Marine Parade from adjacent to the Cinema (Beach Side), up to the signalised pedestrian crossing opposite Britannia Pier. Full 24 hour road closure to enable resurfacing works.
Diversion route:
Marine Parade
Trafalgar Road
Nelson Road Central
Nelson Road North
Sandown Road
Marine Parade
Week commencing Monday 18 April
Carriageway resurfacing works.
On Marine Parade from adjacent to the Cinema (Town Side), up to the signalised pedestrian crossing opposite Britannia Pier. Full 24 hour road closure to enable resurfacing works. Princes Road closed at the junction to Marine Parade.
Diversion route:
Marine Parade
Trafalgar Road
Nelson Road Central
Nelson Road North
Euston Road
Marine Parade
Week commencing Monday 25 April
Carriageway resurfacing works.
On Marine Parade from the signalised pedestrian crossing opposite Britannia Pier to south of junction to Britannia Road.
Full 24 hour road closure to enable resurfacing works. Britannia Road closed at junction to Marine Parade.
Diversion route:
Marine Parade
Trafalgar Road
Nelson Road Central
Nelson Road North
Sandown Road
North Drive
Marine Parade
The works are required to improve a failing carriageway surface. Carrying out the work earlier than this, during the winter months, would have been possible – but not sensible – because in cold weather there is an increased risk that the repairs would fail, leading to more disruption.
The intention is to have everything finished ahead of the first May Bank Holiday, which marks the start of the main summer season.