Press Releases

Gorleston Christmas Switch On November 25th

TV talent show stars set to shine at festive fireworks
Two TV talent show brothers are adding an X Factor sparkle to Gorleston’s Christmas lights switch on.
Leon and Alex Mallett from Lingwood appeared in last year’s competition as duo ITG (In the Genetics) and made it through to boot camp, before being split up by Simon Cowell.
Leon, who progressed further than Alex, said that since their TV appearance the brothers were enjoying gigging together again – with their popularity and confidence boosted by their X Factor moment.
“We used to sing in pubs, clubs and hotels around Yarmouth. Now we are out most weekends in bigger venues – including leading holiday resorts – across the country.

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Traders & Residents Air Show Drop In Session FAQ’s

A drop in session has been organised for all residents and traders on Wednesday 6th June at Maritime House, 25 Marine Parade to answer any queries about the air show road closures and how it will affect you.
Residents drop in session is from 3pm to 6.30pm
Traders drop in session is from 7pm to 9pm
Please come along to the correct session if you are able to as traders and residents will have different queries.

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Traders & Residents Information Flyer

Please find traders & residents information flyers for you to download which details road closures, information about delivery times and also details about a drop in session for residents on June 6th at    3-6.30pm and  traders on June 6th 7-9pm at Maritime House 25 Marine Parade, Great Yarmouth.
Please ensure you come to the correct session as traders and resident have different FAQ’s.

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Wingwalkers set to barnstorm over Great Yarmouth beach

A barnstorming act combining acrobatics and aerobatics will dance in the skies over Great Yarmouth seafront this summer.
The AeroSuperBatics Wingwalking team features a pair of classic biplanes doing loops and rolls with daring women strapped on top waving and doing handstands – sometimes while flying upside down
The spectacle which will be seen at the Haven Great Yarmouth Air Show on June 16-17 harks back to the days of 1920s “flying circuses” when pioneering pilots thrilled crowds with their antics.

Another newly-announced display is the Muscle Biplane of former RAF Tornado ground attack jet pilot Rich Goodwin, who showcases the power and manoeuvrability of his souped-up Pitts Special with gravity-defying,

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Red Arrows to headline Great Yarmouth Air Show

The Red Arrows, the world’s most famous aerobatics team, are bringing their thrilling display to the inaugural Haven Great Yarmouth Air Show this summer.
The Royal Air Force announced today that the crack team will headline both days of the sea front event, which takes place on June 16 and 17.
Also confirmed were the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight and the RAF Tutor Display Team.

“This is the icing on the cake for what is shaping up to be a brilliant line-up for the Great Yarmouth Air Show,” said show director Asa Morrison. “The RAF teams are a huge draw and people travel from all over the country to see them in action.

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Great War Biplanes – Haven Great Yarmouth Airshow

Great War planes to star in Haven Great Yarmouth Air Show
Dog fights from the First World War will be recreated over Great Yarmouth seafront as one of the star attractions at the resort’s new air show.

A 10-aircraft display team of iconic British and German fighter, ground attack and spotter planes will twist and turn over the shoreline, just as they did above the Great War trenches 100 years ago.
The Bremont Great War Display team has been unveiled by show organisers from the Greater Yarmouth Tourism and Business Improvement Area, who are staging the June 16-17 event as part of their drive to attract more visitors to the area.

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Spitfire & Bronco at the Haven Great Yarmouth Airshow

An iconic Spitfire fighter plane – with wartime battle honours and peacetime movie credits to its name – will fly in Great Yarmouth’s summer air show.

The 1943 aircraft chalked up a string of enemy “kills” during its two years with 222 Squadron. In “civvy street” the Mark IX Spitfire had a starring role in several war films including The Battle of Britain, The Longest Day and A Bridge Too Far.
Air show director Asa Morrison, announcing the latest displays at today’s Great Yarmouth tourism awards, said: “Air show crowds love the sight and sound of a Spitfire, so we are delighted this legendary plane is joining our growing line-up of exciting aircraft.”
The Spitfire also saw action in Java with the Netherlands Air Force before ending it military carers as a trainer in Belgium.

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2018 Tourism & Business Awards

Soul man wins tourism & business lifetime achievement award
A DJ and music enthusiast known nationally for his fun and fundraising has won the top accolade in Great Yarmouth’s annual tourism and business awards.
Richard Routledge has been named as the business superstar for his lifetime achievement in the sector at the annual “Oscars” handed out by the tourism and business community.
He has played soul and funk music to crowds attending his Richard’s Parties at hotels, holiday parks and nightclubs across the region, and across the UK, between the 1980s and his finale last year. In a shift of tempo in recent years he also ran tea dances at hotels.

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Blades adds cutting edge to Haven Great Yarmouth Airshow

A top aerobatic team, whose pilots are all ex Red Arrows, will be starring in the first ever Great Yarmouth Air Show this summer.

The Blades are the piston-powered version of the RAF’s crack display team, performing breath-taking close formation manoeuvres as well as 350mph head-on crossovers.
The civilian team are also unique, as the only fully-fledged airline approved to carry passengers on their adrenalin-fuelled antics.
They are among the first displays to be confirmed for the Haven Great Yarmouth Air Show on June 16-17 this year – along with a striking “flying wing” owned by a local businessman.
Show director Asa Morrison said: “The Blades are a stunning team whose pilots,

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Haven Great Yarmouth Air Show aims for family friendly displays

An expert with his hands on the controls of the new Haven Great Yarmouth Air Show is planning family-friendly displays for the debut event.
Ian Sheeley, the flying display director for the two-day show on June 16th-17th, has helped organise scores of air events across the world, combining his passion for aircraft with a former career as an RAF air traffic controller.

Seafront air shows are different to airfield ones because of the layout of the display safety zones and the type of visitors they attract, he explained.

“You tend to find seafront crowds are more family-orientated as the enthusiast will generally want to see the aircraft on the ground,

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